Taunton Deane Crematorium

Situated at the west side of the town, Taunton Deane Crematorium can be reached both by car and by public transport. Open since 1963, this large crematorium is able to offer cremation services to those throughout the Taunton Deane area and boasts a grade 2 listed building. The chapel itself is able to seat up to 140 people with comfort, and is even able to take another 300 people if they are able to stand. For those services that are expected to be larger than this, you can arrange for them to be witnessed outside in the courtyard that is situated just outside the chapel. You can choose from either classic pipe music from the organ on site, or if you would like a more modern approach that you can choose from the music and video system that is able to display tributes. Funerals can also be webcast if people are unable to attend. The chapel has waiting rooms and toilets as well as refreshments if required.
Looking for a funeral director?
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Looking for something simpler?
Plan a respectful cremation without a service for £980

Contact information

Wellington New Road, Taunton, TA1 5NE
Telephone 0182 328 4811

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