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Doves Funeral Directors 1
Doves Funeral Directors 2
Doves Funeral Directors 3
Doves Funeral Directors 4

Doves Funeral Directors

Orpington, BR6 0JD

Doves Funeral Directors are a major chain owned funeral directors serving the Orpington area. Losing a loved one is never easy and so it is comforting to be able to pass all the funeral arrangements on to a funeral director such as Doves Funeral Directors. Their office in Orpington can be found on 19 Carlton Parade.

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This funeral director can be found at Orpington, BR6 0JD
Obituaries from this funeral director
You can find online obituaries for people whose funerals have been arranged by Doves Funeral Directors and pay your respects here. See all obituaries
Latest obituaries from this funeral director:
Alan Richard Martin Mitchell
Alan Richard Martin Mitchell
1949 - 2019, aged 70