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Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 1
Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 2
Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 3
Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 4
Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 5
Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington 6

Whitehouse Funeral Service - Darlington

Darlington, DL3 9EJ

Welcome to the Whitehouse Funeral Services profile on Funeralbooker. We are a family-run business, managed by John Whitehouse and his wife Julie, as well as his mother and father Mel and Dorothy. We are proud to work with 3 very experienced funeral directors in Mr Bryan A. Shepherd, Mr David Gray and Mr Stephen Robson-Cross, who have over 40 years of experience in undertaking and arranging funerals, and above all in showing compassion to you and your family at this time of grief. It is the hallmark of Whitehouse Funeral Service that we listen to what you want from your funeral and do all in our power to accomodate your request. Bereavement is a distressing experience for even the most fortitudinous of individuals, and it's a major part of our job to help you through this difficult time. At Whitehouse we'll never tell you how you should say goodbye to your loved ones, we'll listen as you tell us about the life they lived and work with you to ensure that the funeral will be a fitting tribute. We don't claim to be able to turn grief into joy, but we do listen and do arrange that unique farewell experience for your family. Our approach at Whitehouse is to celebrate life and to remember the good times, though your wishes will of course be honoured at all times. Whitehouse Funeral Service operates a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week phoneline so that we can be there for you at any time of day or night. Give us a call or make an enquiry on this page to begin putting together plans for a beautiful and fitting farewell. Our premises have private viewing rooms, so that families can make their final goodbyes until the day of the funeral.

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This funeral director can be found at Darlington, DL3 9EJ
Services included in our fees
Facilities and support
  • Free parking
    At or near their premises
  • Home visits
    You can arrange the funeral from home
  • Service chapel
    A 15+ person chapel to hold a service
  • Visiting the deceased
    You can visit your loved one
  • Out of hours collection
    No extra charges for collection
  • Care at home
    We’ll help you look after your loved one at home
  • Family participation
    We can involve you in your loved one’s care
  • Green or eco-funeral
    You can arrange an eco-friendly funeral
Multi faith
  • Church of England
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Roman Catholic
  • Sikh
Funeral director fees
Arrangements selected
Wood, Standard Coffin
1 Limousine
Classic Hearse
Darlington Crematorium, DL3 8RY
Doctors’ Fees
0132 548 2999
24-hour personal support available