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W.Brindley’s Funeral Service

Hyde, SK14 6JG

W.Brindley Funeral Services understands how upsetting and stressful it can be arranging a funeral and especially when making important decisions. Choosing a Funeral Director is something of a very personal matter, and in most situations, Funeral Directors are only contacted at a point of need situation, that's why we are there for you from the first moment you call us. Also, being an Independent Funeral Directors means that we are solely responsible to you and your family, not to the accountants, like in the larger organizations that operate within the industry. W.Brindley's Funeral Service is there for you from the moment of your first contact with us to the day of the funeral, and beyond. Our personal service allows us to arrange a funeral that precisely reflects both your needs and your loved one's wishes, whilst maintaining the highest and utmost standards of professionalism, courtesy and respect, to both you and your loved one at all times.

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This funeral director can be found at Hyde, SK14 6JG
Services included in our fees
Facilities and support
  • Free parking
    At or near their premises
  • Home visits
    You can arrange the funeral from home
  • Service chapel
    A 15+ person chapel to hold a service
  • Visiting the deceased
    You can visit your loved one
  • Out of hours collection
    No extra charges for collection
  • Care at home
    We’ll help you look after your loved one at home
  • Family participation
    We can involve you in your loved one’s care
  • Green or eco-funeral
    You can arrange an eco-friendly funeral
Multi faith
  • Church of England
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Roman Catholic
  • Sikh
Funeral director fees
Arrangements selected
Wood, Standard Coffin
1 Limousine
Classic Hearse
Dukinfield Crematorium, SK16 4EP
Doctors’ Fees
0145 776 5260
24-hour personal support available