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R. Kinghorn Funeral Directors 1
R. Kinghorn Funeral Directors 2

R. Kinghorn Funeral Directors

Morpeth, NE61 6UD

R. Kinghorn Funeral Directors is a proud, independent and local family firm located in the town of Morpeth, Northumberland. Having cared for the community for over 100 years, we provide a professional, dedicated and compassionate service for families, offering traditional and bespoke arrangements to meet your specific needs. We recognise that every family is different, so we listen carefully to our clients and plan personal arrangements that best reflect the life of their loved ones. Whether you would like a traditional funeral or a creative, alternative option, you can trust us to follow your wishes closely and respectfully. We offer a range of services intended to make the funeral arrangement process as convenient as possible for you. This includes out-of-hours collection, as well as nationwide and international repatriation, to help families no matter the circumstances. Our office on Front Street, Pegswood, Morpeth has a peaceful Chapel of Rest to allow viewings for families and close friends if requested. Established in 1901 under the name H. C. White, R Kinghorn Funeral Directors has been serving the Morpeth community for over a century. Our current 4th generation funeral director, Ray Kinghorn, is the great, great, great nephew of our founder. As an independent funeral directors, we take pride in our close ties to the community, and we’re always happy to visit you at home to make arrangements. At R Kinghorn Funeral Directors, we aim to provide a sympathetic and highly professional service to our clients. For this reason, we are also certified members of SAIF, the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors, and adhere to their strict Code of Practice. As your chosen funeral directors, we are here to help and advise you in whatever way we can. We are dedicated professionals, who can be trusted to provide a personal service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - meaning we can be contacted whenever you need us most.

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This funeral director can be found at Morpeth, NE61 6UD
Services included in our fees
Facilities and support
  • Free parking
    At or near their premises
  • Home visits
    You can arrange the funeral from home
  • Service chapel
    A 15+ person chapel to hold a service
  • Visiting the deceased
    You can visit your loved one
  • Out of hours collection
    No extra charges for collection
  • Care at home
    We’ll help you look after your loved one at home
  • Family participation
    We can involve you in your loved one’s care
  • Green or eco-funeral
    You can arrange an eco-friendly funeral
Multi faith
  • Church of England
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Roman Catholic
  • Sikh
Funeral director fees
Arrangements selected
Wood, Standard Coffin
1 Limousine
Classic Hearse
Blyth Crematorium, NE24 5SZ
Doctors’ Fees
0167 051 4936
24-hour personal support available