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Miles & Daughters - Binfield 1
Miles & Daughters - Binfield 2
Miles & Daughters - Binfield 3
Miles & Daughters - Binfield 4

Miles & Daughters - Binfield

Binfield, RG42 4HP

Miles and Daughters Funeral Directors of Bracknell, Wokingham, Reading, Camberley and Twyford provide a 24-hours a day, 365-day a year funeral service to the local area. We are a proudly independent family firm of funeral directors and our business endeavours to consistently deliver funerals that are totally personal, completely unique and fully representative of the loved one who has passed away. At Miles and Daughters Funeral Directors we are able to cater for all religions and faiths and can provide non-religious funeral services too. Our highly-trained staff of funeral professionals are capable, caring and attentive and will listen sympathetically to your needs, wishes and requirements to ensure that you receive the funeral that you want, conducted in the way that you would wish. At all times we conduct ourselves with dignity and professionalism. Miles and Daughters Funeral Directors proudly provide a wide range of funeral services to assist you through this difficult time and ensure that the deceased, your family and your loved ones are all treated with both compassion and respect. We can offer help with all aspects of arranging the funeral and provide helpful advice and support every step of the way. Our principal is a past National President of the NAFD, the National Association of Funeral Directors. We can help with arranging floral tributes, and managing donations to charity in lieu of flowers should you so wish. We’re able to assist with newspaper notices and announcements in the local press and can arrange caterers should wish to provide refreshments after the service. All you have to do is ask, and we will happily help you with your requirements. To find out more about how we can assist you at this difficult time, please don’t hesitate to fill in the form on this page and send it back to us. We’ll be in touch with you as soon as we can.

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This funeral director can be found at Binfield, RG42 4HP
Services included in our fees
Facilities and support
  • Free parking
    At or near their premises
  • Home visits
    You can arrange the funeral from home
  • Visiting the deceased
    You can visit your loved one
  • Out of hours collection
    No extra charges for collection
  • Care at home
    We’ll help you look after your loved one at home
  • Family participation
    We can involve you in your loved one’s care
  • Green or eco-funeral
    You can arrange an eco-friendly funeral
Multi faith
  • Church of England
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Roman Catholic
  • Sikh
Funeral director fees
Arrangements selected
Wood, Standard Coffin
1 Limousine
Classic Hearse
Easthampstead Park Crematorium, RG40 3DW
Doctors’ Fees
0134 445 2020
24-hour personal support available