A crematorium is a place where cremations take place. You can choose to hold the service there, or simply travel to the crematorium for the final send-off.
Coffins can be carved from wood, woven using willow or rushes, or made from cardboard. Woven coffins are typically biodegradable, while cardboard coffins can be customised with brightly - coloured designs.
If you like, the funeral director can arrange limousines to take you and your family to and from the funeral. A limousine typically carries six or more passengers.
avg £308 per limousine
A hearse is a vehicle designed to take the person who died to the funeral service and to the burial place or crematorium, as needed. They range from simple unmarked cars to highly decorated carriages.
A celebrant’s role is to lead a funeral service, gently guiding guests through the readings, music and (if requested) prayers that make up the ceremony. A friend of the family could take on this role if you prefer.