Shauna Lorraine hickey

Shauna Lorraine hickey

20th Feb 2004 - 13th Jul 2020
16 years
Shauna was my second child. She has 4 brothers and one sister. She was 16 years of age. She was funny, friendly, very popular and always happy. She was going into 5th year in school. She loved music and Netflix She loved all her friends but her best friend was chanel. Shauna died on the 13th of july 2020. We had a lovely send off for her she had a white coffin carried to the church from her home. We had you are my sunshine sang as she was carried out of the church to her final resting place. At the grave we left off balloons blue ones and we played songs at her grave. Loved always by her four brothers her sister her mother father and step father aunts uncles cousins and grandmother Margaret


Deluxion Morris
Rest in peace