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Michael Johnathan senior

Michael Johnathan senior

25th Jan 1983 - 18th Nov 2020
37 years
Michael was 37yrs old when he passed away we don't know the cause of death and are still awaiting investigation results. He lived with our 83yr old grandma and was her live in carer she was the one that found him, I (Michaels sister) remember the call from my mum on the day and Ile never forget it it was heartbreaking 💔 also the day before my birthday 😢. Michael was a good lad would do anything for anyone and not expect things back in return, he had alot friends and knew alot of people, he liked to travel around to visit friends/family in Bradford, Bridlington, Scarborough, Redcar, Skegness, Cleethorpes and other places but place he loved most was Whitby where our mum lives. He did afew different jobs in his younger years which were security (mainly for rock n roll weekenders) Removals for McCarthys Helped out in pubs and was a rock n roll DJ (he was DJ for my son's christening and was brilliant) he did gardening work for people and painting and decorating unpaid just because he liked to help people and it kept him occupied. One of his first jobs was taking part in knocking down old Trafford 👌 he was chuffed with himself with that one as he was a massive Leeds United fan. Unfortunately due to an accident when he was out hiking on cliffs near Redcar one day he had to give up working to recover (he fell and broke his back on rocks and had to have metal plates etc put in so ended up needing to use a back brace n took him a while to get back on he's feet) He loved Elvis Presley and has been upon stage singing as a Elvis impersonator and he was fab, he had a fantastic singing voice. He loved wrestling our mum took us to loads of events when wrestling came to uk and he loved our family holidays (he would always end up with a holiday romance, he was a good-looking lad and ladies loved him). Michael has 3 younger sisters and was a uncle to 5 nephews and 1 neice unfortunately he never got to meet one of he's nephews and he's only neice due to covid but he saw videos and photos and loved them just as much. Michael also had one son who he loved dearly. He was a mammy's boy loved her to bits and wouldn't stand for anyone upsetting her, he was same with he's sisters and grandma protected us and was always there if we needed him. He thought the world of the men in ours lives Peter , sharky and John also he's brother in laws and best friend Mick and Mick's family (they was his second family he would say ). It's a devastating time for us as Michaels death just doesn't seem to be sinking in with not been able to see him and have closure or a normal funeral for him due to covid but we plan to do something for him once covid restrictions are lifted. We've set up a gofundme to raise money for a stone at elland road for Michael and also for a memorial bench in Whitby in one of Michaels and our mum's favourite spots so my mum as somewhere to go to feel close to Michael and lay flowers, we would like to thank friends and family for your kind donations through the fund/in cash and by bank transfer it means alot and we really appreciate your help with making the memorials happen 💙 Michael was well loved he didn't even realize , he touched the hearts of many people and he's going to be dearly missed 💔💔💔😢 , I hope people keep smilng when they think of the happy/silly and even sad times they've had with Michael and not be afraid to talk about good or bad times they've shared with him we (his family) would love to hear them Ile most certainly be sharing stories with my children and the things we use to get upto 😊 , he once locked me in a ice-cream van freezer when we was little our grandma found me 😆 , memories are special and we will cherish them dearly, rest in peace now brother love you 🙏❣️❣️ ❣️❣️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️


Ali Sami Farooq
To our special friend you will be missed by us all, you are alway around us . Rest in Peace. Ali Sami Farooq
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