Celebrate a life with an online obituary

Honour someone important to you with a free obituary online.

Online obituaries from Beyond

Celebrate your loved one’s life with a personalised online obituary. Free, fast and easy to make, it’s a thoughtful and creative way to remember someone special.
Tell their story
Share the life story of your loved one with a unique, online memorial.
Share memories
Gather together stories, photos and videos with the help of friends and family from across the world.
Fundraise for a charity
Raise money for a cause your loved one cared deeply about. Invite others to donate in their memory.
Keep guests up-to-date
Help others attend the funeral service and wake. Get RSVPs and contact guests easily.
Crowdfund the funeral
Need help with funeral costs? Gather funds from friends and family with our crowdfunding tool.

Make a free obituary online today

Ready to begin?

Create an obituaryStart here

Search for a UK obituary

Let a family know you’re thinking of them. Search for a death notice or obituary in the UK here.

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Local obituaries & death notices

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A place for family and friends to share memories...

Our online obituaries have a wide range of features to help friends and family celebrate a life together. Visitors to the page can:
Share memories
Leave messages for the family, upload photos or light a candle to let them know you’re thinking of them.
Donate or support
Donate to a chosen charity in memory of their loved one or put money towards the funeral to show support
Send flowers
Find details of the funeral service or wake and send flowers to the family - with a 15 % discount from Bloom & Wild

Make a free obituary online today

Ready to begin?

Create an obituaryStart here

Online obituary FAQs

What is an online obituary?
Is a Beyond online obituary free?
Can I use an obituary page to fundraise for charity?
I don’t need to raise funds for the funeral. Can I skip that part?
Which charities can I fundraise for?
How do you moderate your online obituaries?

What is an online obituary?

An online obituary or online memorial page is a website page that commemorates someone who has died.

These pages are similar to obituaries or funeral notices in local newspapers, but also offer far more: you can share photos and videos, raise money for the funeral or a charity and keep guests informed about funeral plans easily.

An online obituary page can be a wonderful way to remember someone close to you and celebrate the life you shared together. It’s a special online space where friends, family and the local community can share their memories and thoughts, grieving and healing together.

Is a Beyond online obituary free?

Yes - unlike many online memorial pages or local death notices our service is free and open for anyone to use.

Can I use an obituary page to fundraise for charity?

Absolutely! We have a great partnership with JustGiving to help families raise money for the causes that matter to them.

When you set up an online obituary page, you’ll be given the opportunity to pick a charity for donations. You don’t have to choose one, however - if you don’t need to use our platform for donations, just say so, and the fundraising option won’t appear on the final obituary.

I don’t need to raise funds for the funeral. Can I skip that part?

Absolutely. Just click ‘no’ on that option when you’re setting up the obituary, and we’ll keep that option hidden.

Which charities can I fundraise for?

Any charity that uses JustGiving can be donated to using our fundraising tool.

How do you moderate your online obituaries?

All comments, photos and videos on our online obituaries have a ‘report’ button to help family and friends flag up any issues. Once a report is made, our team will act swiftly to resolve the problem.

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