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L Titcombe & Family Independent Funeral Directors 1
L Titcombe & Family Independent Funeral Directors 2
L Titcombe & Family Independent Funeral Directors 3

L Titcombe & Family Independent Funeral Directors

Basingstoke, RG23 8LL
1 review

We understand that no one wants to have to arrange a funeral. The death of a loved one, whether expected or not, is inevitably a shock. There is so much to think about and so much to do, where do you start? At L Titcombe & Family advice is free and without obligation. As a family funeral directors run by mother and daughter, we are confident that we can look after your needs in the way that no large organisation can, after all a funeral is personal not corporate. We can explain exactly what needs to happen, who you should contact to register the death, and start to explain how to go about planning the funeral. You will not be rushed or hurried and you will to speak to us personally. We will give you our undivided attention and will receive honest and accurate advice. When you entrust us with the arrangements you can leave everything to us, whether it is a simple or a bespoke funeral, we will take the weight off of your shoulders, and promise to take things at your pace. We are here to personally attend to you 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. You will notice that we have provided some information pages on our web site, which we hope will prove useful to you. As helpful as the information will be, there is no substitute to talking to another person at your time of need and asking the questions that are bound to be on your mind. We are also happy to discuss the various costs incurred with a funeral, so that by the end of your call, you will have a realistic idea of what you need to budget for. We promise that we won’t overload you with information, but rather give you what you need to make an informed choice whether to use our funeral home or not. Remember our advice is free and you have no obligation to use our services. If you do decide to use L Titcombe & Family we will arrange every last detail of the funeral, other than asking you to register the death and sign a few forms, we will do the rest. We will discuss every aspect of the funeral with you to ensure that the arrangements are exactly as you want them to be. We have considerable experience in arranging funerals of all types and can assure you that your loved one will be treated with dignity and respect whilst in our care.

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This funeral director can be found at Basingstoke, RG23 8LL

1 review

5.0 out of 5 stars
Justin Pimenta
Services included in our fees
Facilities and support
  • Free parking
    At or near their premises
  • Home visits
    You can arrange the funeral from home
  • Visiting the deceased
    You can visit your loved one
  • Out of hours collection
    No extra charges for collection
  • Care at home
    We’ll help you look after your loved one at home
  • Family participation
    We can involve you in your loved one’s care
  • Green or eco-funeral
    You can arrange an eco-friendly funeral
Multi faith
  • Church of England
  • Hindu
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Roman Catholic
  • Sikh
Funeral director fees
Arrangements selected
Wood, Standard Coffin
1 Limousine
Classic Hearse
Basingstoke Crematorium, RG25 2BA
Doctors’ Fees
0125 647 6366
24-hour personal support available